TPIS Featured Case Presentation
This 45 year old man has ESKD due to IgA nephropathy.
There was stable renal function until 18 months post-transplant.
At that point a rise in the serum creatinine from 1.3 to 1.8 mg/dl triggered a biopsy which was interpreted as TCMR Banff grade 1B.
There was no response to steroids.
The biopsy was repeated 3 weeks later.
You can view images from the case here.
TPIS Drug Effects Searcher
Enter the drug of interest into the textbox and press the appropriate button to search for hepatic or renal toxicity. A popup window containing a Pubmed search will appear.The results will contain, but may not necessarily be limited to, side effects of the medications.

About Hepatic and Transplant Pathology

Last Modified: Wed Jun 3 4:49 PM EDT


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