Tissue Triage in Liver Transplantation
Tissue Triage

Tissue Triage in Liver Transplantation
Special Procedures used for Handling Native Organs, Pre- and Post-transplant Liver Bisopies, Failed Allografts and Autopsy Specimens
Procedure Purpose
Immediate Procurement of Fresh Sterile Tissue Microbiological cultures, parenchymal, non-parenchymal and hematolymphoid cell cultures, biochemical and gene cloning studies, mRNA isolation
Immediate Bulk Freezing Various biochemical assays including mRNA, DNA and protein studies for metabolic, genetic and viral diseases, as well as basic research
Freezing Small Tissue Samples in Optimum Cold Temperature Compound or Other Special Fixation Various immunohistochemical, in situ hybridization and electron microscopic studies
Special Gross Dissection with/without X-ray Contrast Studies* Porta hepatis in extra-hepatic biliary atresia and intrahepatic bile duct paucity syndromes and cystic disorders of bile ducts

Hepatic vein examination in venous outflow obstruction and hepatic tumors

Gross determination of anastomotic patency and/or breakdown in failed allografts and autopsy specimens

Immersion or Perfusion Formalin Fixation Routine histopathological and most immunohistochemical studies. In situ hybridization for some low copy mRNA sequences may be compromised
* This is often best accomplished when done in conjunction with the operative surgeon who is familiar with the anatomy and the operative procedure
Reference Pathol Annu 22, 347-386 (1987)

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Last Modified: Thu Jun 18 10:14:08 EDT 2009


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