Diagnostic Categories for Renal Allograft Biopsies ('97)* | |
1. Normal, see Definitions | |
2. Antibody mediated rejection-demonstrated to be due, at least in part, to anti-donor antibodies | |
Type | Histopathological Findings |
Immediate (Hyperacute) | Polymorph accumulation in glomerular and peritubular capillaries with subsequent endothelial damage and capillary thrombosis |
Delayed (Accelerated Acute) | |
3. Borderline Changes:"Suspicious" for acute rejection | |
Grade | Histopathological Findings |
"Suspicious" | This category is used when no intimal arteritis is present, but there are foci of mild tubulitis (1 to 4 mononuclear cells/tubular cross section) and at least i1 |
4. Acute Rejection | |
Type (Grade) | Histopathological Findings |
IA | Cases with significant interstitial infiltration (>25% of parenchyma affected) and foci of moderate tubulitis (> 4 mononuclear cells/tubular cross section or group of 10 tubular cells) |
IB | Cases with significant interstitial infiltration (> 25% of parenchyma affected) and foci of severe tubulitis (> 10 mononuclear cells/tubular cross section or group of 10 tubular cells) |
IIA | Cases with significant interstitial infiltration and mild to moderate intimal arteritis (v1) |
IIB | Cases with severe intimal arteritis comprising > 25% of the lumenal area (v2) |
III | Cases with "transmural" arteritis or fibrinoid change and necrosis of medial smooth muscle cells (v3 with lymphocytic inflammation) |
5. Chronic/Sclerosing Allograft Nephropathy§ | |
Grade | Histopathological Findings |
Grade I (mild) | Mild interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy without (a) or with (b) specific vascular changes suggesting chronic rejection |
Grade II (moderate) | Moderate interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy without (a) or with (b) specific vascular changes suggesting chronic rejection |
Grade III (severe) | Severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy without (a) or with (b) specific vascular changes suggesting chronic rejection |
6. Other | |
Changes not considered to be due to rejection, see Differential Diagnosis | |
§ Glomerular and vascular lesions help define type of chronic nephropathy; chronic/recurrent rejection can be diagnosed if typical vascular lesions are seen | |
* The recommended format of report is a descriptive narrative signout followed by numerical codes in parentheses. Categorization should in the first instance be based solely on pathologic changes, then integrated with clinical data as a second step. More than one diagnostic category may be used if appropriate | |