TPIS Case Presentation

June 2020 case:

This 69 year old patient underwent living related liver transplant for treatment of cirrhosis secondary to chronic steatohepatitis. At the time of gross examination a 1.7 cm well circumscribed lesion was seen in segment VII.
You can view images from the case here.
TPIS Drug Effects Searcher
Enter the drug of interest into the textbox and press the appropriate button to search for hepatic or renal toxicity. A popup window containing a Pubmed search will appear.The results will contain, but may not necessarily be limited to, side effects of the medications.

TPIS News and Updates

June 7, 2020: Fixed broken links to updated discussion of renal polyomavirus infection.

June 2, 2020: June case presentation updated

June 2, 2020: Fixed broken link to Heart Rejection Grading

June 2, 2020: Fixed bug in drug effects searcher preventing linkage to PubMed

May 11, 2020: Primary Biliary Cholangitis scoring system of Nakanuma added (see right sidebar)

May 11, 2020: Case Presentation updated

May 10, 2020: Main page recoded to display appropriately in mobile devices (we are making new pages responsive and will be recoding our current pages as time permits)

Last Modified: Wed Jun 3 4:49 PM EDT


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